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Ford, K.C., Kaste, J.A., Shachar-Hill, Y. and TerAvest, M.A., 2022. Flux-Balance Analysis and Mobile CRISPRi-Guided Deletion of a Conditionally Essential Gene in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1. ACS Synthetic Biology.

Ranaweera, T., Brown, B.N., Wang, P. and Shiu, S.H., 2022. Temporal regulation of cold transcriptional response in switchgrass. bioRxiv.

Wang, P., Schumacher, A.M. and Shiu, S.H., 2022. Computational prediction of plant metabolic pathways. Current Opinion in Plant Biology66, p.102171.

Bird, K. A., Jacobs, M., Sebolt, A., Rhoades, K., Alger, E. I., Colle, M., ... & Edger, P. P. (2022). Parental origins of the cultivated tetraploid sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.). Plants, People, Planet.

Teresi, S. J., Teresi, M. B., & Edger, P. P. (2022). TE Density: a tool to investigate the biology of transposable elements. Mobile DNA13(1), 1-18.

Xu, Y., Wieloch, T., Kaste, J. A. M., Shachar-Hill, Y., & Sharkey, T. D. (2022). Reimport of carbon from cytosolic and vacuolar sugar pools into the Calvin–Benson cycle explains photosynthesis labeling anomalies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences119(11). 

Wilson, M. L., & VanBuren, R. (2022). Leveraging millets for developing climate resilient agriculture. Current Opinion in Biotechnology75, 102683.

Hoopes, G., Meng, X., Hamilton, J. P., Achakkagari, S. R., Guesdes, F. D. A. F., Bolger, M. E., Bornowski, N.,... & Finkers, R. (2022). Phased, chromosome-scale genome assemblies of tetraploid potato reveals a complex genome, transcriptome, and predicted proteome landscape underpinning genetic diversity. Molecular Plant.

Sadohara, R., Izquierdo, P., Couto Alves, F., Porch, T., Beaver, J., Urrea, C. A., & Cichy, K. (2022). The Phaseolus vulgaris L. Yellow Bean Collection: genetic diversity and characterization for cooking time. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 1-22.


Sadohara, R., Long, Y., Izquierdo, P., Urrea, C. A., Morris, D., & Cichy, K. (2021). Seed coat color genetics and genotype× environment effects in yellow beans via machine‐learning and genome‐wide association. The Plant Genome, e20173.

Bryson, A.E., Wilson Brown, M., Mullins, J., Dong, W., Bahmani, K., Bornowski, N., Chiu, C., Engelgau, P., Gettings, B., Gomezcano, F. and Gregory, L.M., 2020. Composite modeling of leaf shape along shoots discriminates Vitis species better than individual leaves. Applications in plant sciences8(12), p.e11404.

Zhou, P., Li, Z., Magnusson, E., Gomez Cano, F., Crisp, P.A., Noshay, J.M., Grotewold, E., Hirsch, C.N., Briggs, S.P. and Springer, N.M., 2020. Meta gene regulatory networks in maize highlight functionally relevant regulatory interactions. The Plant Cell32(5), pp.1377-1396.

Dale, R., Oswald, S., Jalihal, A., Laporte, M.F., Fletcher, D.M., Hubbard, A., Shiu, S.H., Nelson, A.D. and Bucksch, A., 2021. Overcoming the challenges to enhancing experimental plant biology with computational modeling.

Educational Materials:
Phenology data visualization tool
Mini Data Carpentry Genomics Workshop
Lightning talk rubric
Imposter syndrome poster and presentation