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imageWhy participate as a student Trainee?

The IMPACTS program features five components focused on training the next generation of scientists that can employ computational and data science approaches to analyze and interpret heterogeneous, multi-scale measurement data to predict plant responses in variable environments at local to global scales.

At the end of the program, the trainee will:

  • Obtain foundational knowledge in both biology and computation through project-based learning where the Trainees work collaboratively to resolve challenging problems.
  • Have the expertise to identify unresolved questions interfacing plant biology and computation, and to develop and execute innovative research approaches to address them.
  • Gain verbal and written communication skills to interact with their peers across disciplines and with a wide range of stakeholders, including policymakers and the public.
  • Develop leadership and management skills so the Trainees can take on leadership roles in collaborative teams and manage project efficiently.
  • Develop teaching and mentoring skills so the Trainees become effective communicators in the classroom and can serve as a mentor in a collaborative team.

The program is designed to prepare Trainees for a wide range of career options in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics in academia, industry, governmental agencies, non-profit organizations, and beyond. You will interact with a group of highly motivated Trainees with divergent background and expertise as a cohort.

There are three potential ways to participate in  the program:

Why participate as a Trainer?

Trainer responsibilities:

  • Advise or co-advise on trainee project.
  • Help ensure trainee participation in program activities specified in the Trainee responsibilities section.
  • Serve on an NRT committee (e.g., recruitment, curriculum, executive, symposium, see the Organization tab in this page).
  • Jointly instruct a course (see current course offering)
  • Organize an outreach event for the program.

To be considered for a role as a trainer, please provide the following two documents to nrt@msu.edu:

  • An email statement of interest that indicates:
    • Evidence of and/or plan to engage in interdisciplinary efforts that align with program goals;
    • Your interest and availability to contribute to one or more of the Trainer responsibilities (see above).
  • Full CV.